NVM is a “node version manager”, which is mostly used to manage node version.
if ubuntu has no nvm package. it throw an error on terminal i.e nvm command not found.
Let move to , “How to resolve nvm command not found in ubnutu
Step to install nvm
- Go to terminal dialog box and type
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.26.1/install.sh | bash |
- After complete process type
source ~/.profile |
After that type
cd ~ |
- Now type given below command that’s install the nvm
nvm install 0.12 |
Now you can simply type “nvm” on terminal
If you want to install other node version then type
nvm install 10.15 |
After that you can check on which version is already present in your system, you can type “nvm ls”
In case you want to check the remote server version list, so you can type “nvm ls-remote”
How to set default node version, actually you have a different project in the system, in this case, some project is run on different node version, so you can manage that thing using nvm,
simply type “nvm alias default x.x.x” -> x is denote version number i.e 8.12.0 or any other like 10.15.0